How Do I Justify Attending?

May 2025 | metro Atlanta

JustifY youR Attending

How to Justify Your Trip and Join Us at SAM Rainmaker '25

Events such as SAM Rainmaker '25 are an excellent learning opportunity, and offer a great return on your investment. However, getting approval to attend can sometimes be a challenge. In most circumstances, the right approach can help you justify your time away from work, travel expenses, and registration cost.

You simply need to present valid reasoning and sound objectives for your management to understand the value proposition. Let management know the nature of the professional development you will receive at the event and how it will help you on the job. 

Mention how the SAM Rainmaker agenda and model (all talks in one place, no overwhelming number of breakout sessions, an idea-sharing setting) assure you will hear from the best-of-the-best sales, and marketing practitioners in the business. Here are a few ideas for structuring a request for approval to attend SAM Rainmaker '25:

1. Provide an accurate estimate of expenses you will incur. Be sure to include all travel, dining and lodging expenses, and registration cost.

2. Identify the specific talks you will hear that establish the connection to your own job responsibilities. Suggest ways that the information you acquire will benefit both you and the company.

3. Offer to share the information with colleagues. Bring home your event notes: the fresh ideas, the connections you made, and new insights to let co-workers share in the event content.

4. Close the loop—create a trip report after the event. Summarize key points of discovery brought out during the event and point out how those relate to sales/marketing/business efforts in your organization.

An example of a justify-your-attending request letter is provided here, you can personalize it to copy and paste into an email.

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